About me
My name is Judith Westerveld-Ardesch, I am a life coach and a SensiTherapist. People with different challenges come to my practice for a coaching journey. Examples include losing balance between work and private life, missing the zest for life, being very tired, problems at work, etc. In my sessions I look at the person in a holistic way and all important pillars such as relaxation, sleep, nutrition, exercise and meaning of life will be addressed.
During my Sensitreatments I help people with various problems such as long-term unexplained injuries or obvious complaints that just don't get solved. Many of these complaints are the result of an imbalance between body and mind, caused, for example, by ignoring physical signals or signs of stress. In my Sensisessions I use the power of the selfhealing capacity and I help people to restore the connection between their mind and body.
Where can I help you with?
Long-term injuries
Intestinal problems
Back and neck problems
Sleeping problems
Stress and anxiety

A coaching journey starts with a free introductory meeting and will be followed by 4-8 sessions of 1.5 hours.
SensiTherapy can consist of 1 session or more. The first session lasts an average of 1 - 1.5 hours and at the end of this we discuss whether follow-up treatments are needed. Often only 1 treatment is sufficient and mostly a maximum of 2 treatments is needed.
Your body's ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.
- author unknown -